"Let the wife make the husband glad to come home,
and let him make her sorry to see him leave."


Photo chronicles from our latest trip to the Cleveland Museum of Art with the Clarkes and the Roberts :).

Girlies :)

Notice how the two littlest ones are hovering above the floor.

Tha Escalator. Apparently this was a famous invention.

Ruby :).

Yes, we normally keep our children in glass boxes with broadswords.

I would love to know...

...what goes through...

...a boy's mind.

I want one :).

Monet. Pretty cool that they let one take pictures of this stuff. Photo credits go to Rachel Clarke.

1 Comment(s):

Anonymous said...

That's a neat set of pics. I just love to see a homeschooled family out & about. It provides a pleasant contrast to much of society's ills. God bless.