"Let the wife make the husband glad to come home,
and let him make her sorry to see him leave."


I haven't written anything in a very long time and I am sorry for it. During the holiday season I let it get away from me. I think I've developed new time-wasting habits. In fact, I have had to drag myself to the computer at times, realizing I hadn't been on in days, completely forgetting that people might actually try to contact me that way... O, well. I had other things - huge, fascinating, challenging things - occupying my time. Puzzles. I've done them alone, with friends, with my husband... I love putting them together so much I will do 1000 pieces in an afternoon all by myself. But then 1000 piece puzzles got too easy, So I have gone a step up and am working on a 1500 piece photograph of Prague. Enjoying the challenge immensely :D. (The only problem is that I don't own any myself, so I've been borrowing them from family members :). That part isn't a problem.)

Besides puzzles, I really haven't done much lately, except reading. Les Miserables. I'm so close to be done with it (just a few hundred pages left!) and I really can't wait because Jonathan gave me a hardcover unabridged copy of The Count of Monte Cristo, and I'm dying to start it. (Thank Johnny!! I love you!!) He didn't get me any puzzles though.....................................

I hardly think it's unreasonable to say that I have cabin fever pretty bad, and I really need to go to Cyprus right now!!! And after I typed that I decided to google some pictures, and I think I shouldn't have done that. You don't get much better than a tropical Mediterranean island with ruins on it. But my simple google search turned up property for sale on it and... $330,000?? Nice knowing y'all. Please visit us at your convenience.

I'm planning a cruise first to scope out the territory and choose new furniture.

2 Comment(s):

Amanda said...

You make me feel like reading. I've been dreadfully bored the past two days, and I think reading actually might be the ticket. I definitely don't do enough of it. :P

When can I come and visit you on Cyprus???? ;)

Emily said...

Cyprus sounds lovely!