"Let the wife make the husband glad to come home,
and let him make her sorry to see him leave."


I experienced one leading to the other. This past week, Ruby and I had the opportunity to go visit my grandmother who is house sitting in Buffalo, NY. I was REALLY excited to get out of the house and just get away from everyday life at home for a few days. That didn't last long :-). As much fun as I was having doing nothing, or not having anything to do in particular, I missed the hard work I left at home. More than that though, I missed the company of my six other siblings and that of my parents'. Lackadaisically spending the hours doing what pleased me was surprisingly exhausting... not to mention it lacked the gratification I get from working at home. I enjoyed the rest I got, but I couldn't wait until the remainder of my family joined us later in the week :-). Then I was complete. We had a wonderful time there, but nothing beats home. It is SO good to be here, and I now know hat there is no place on earth that I would rather be :-).

When I was away, my brother Gabriel set me emails telling me how much he loved and missed me :-). He even took
special pictures with our computer to show me how much :-). They made my day.

See the little heart in the middle??

I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!! I thank God for them every minute of the day.

1 Comment(s):

Olivia Howard said...

wow... this post was actually very convicting in that I don't love being at home that much... Thanks!