"Let the wife make the husband glad to come home,
and let him make her sorry to see him leave."


I am afraid of clowns.

6 Comment(s):

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

if you're watching "Finding Neverland" I completely agree!

Anonymous said...

yeah Chloe....they are a little freaky, but, why specifically?

Chloe Laurene said...

I completely forgot about Finding Neverland!

Well, I guess it's just because one can't really tell who 'the man behind the mask' is... and wether or not they do it for a profession or if it's because... *gasps* ... that's who the really are. How can you tell that they don't sit at home on their day off still dressed like that staring at nothing and talking to themselves? And it's the male, deep-voiced, harsh looking ones that scare me the most... they seem like they're trying to lure little girls (well, ok... so I'm big) with their 'free' balloons... eek.

There is only one clown that I like :-). We have a special friendship thing going... he said I could have whatever kind of balloon I wanted because it was my birthday (#16) and so I asked him for a spiderman... because it was being filmed out the window where I was :D.

Unknown said...

I completely understand the relationship thing... my great friend is like that too :). LOVE YOU MISSY!


Anonymous said...

OOOHHHH....now I'm scared too.

You just gave me the creeps about clowns. If I see a random clown in some random deserted parking lot, I'd better watch out!
