"Let the wife make the husband glad to come home,
and let him make her sorry to see him leave."


A funny thing about our family, or the child line-up rather, is that we were born in ballroom dancing partners :-). Every time there was an even number of children, the boy/girl ratio was evenly split.

Peter and Chloe

Ruby and Gabriel

Duncan and Tirzah

Luther and Olivia

We all learned to dance at reasonably young ages, but now the littler ones are way ahead of me :P. Duncan and Tirzah tango together quite well for their ages (11, 9) and they can be seen
here, though the choreography has been updated since the video was made... and Luther and Olivia are way ahead of me, attending a ball at the respective ages of 6 and 4.

Here they are...


They even danced!!

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